How we assist your accountants?

In the end, the accounting department decides on the approval of the travel expense report. At the same time, however, our system digitises and checks everything in advance. In this way, the accounting department receives visual indications should receipts be submitted twice, travel policy guidelines be violated or anomalies be detected in digitised receipts.

A swiftly executed travel expense report often stands or falls at a certain point: the moment of your approval, provided that you have received all the information. With our travel expense report MXP, we now provide your business travellers with a modern tool to document receipts as well as per diems or allowances or mileages in digital and GoBD-compliant form as soon as they occur. All travel data and receipts are conveniently recorded using our smartphone app and automatically transmitted to the accounting department for controlling. Beforehand, travel policies and the digitised receipts are checked automatically. MXP serves as a kind of template for all processes related to travel expense management and can be set up quickly and easily. While the transition from planning to go-live is achievable in the short term, a successful implementation will make ripples throughout the organisation for a long time to come. Take it from us, your employees will thank you for it.

The reason for this is simple, your talented employees expect a modern expense report and do not want to deal with paper expense receipts any longer. Digital natives and millenials in particular prefer an app, which takes care of their travel expenses for them. For example, when and if meal deductions come into effect for an allowance or not is irrelevant for your employees - it should simply work. The same applies to the question of whether it is a so-called "entertainment meal", especially since this may have an impact on the per diem meal allowance or taxation. With MXP, you not only have a secure tool that already provides all relevant data for accounting, but also transfers all necessary data to payroll with regard to tax and SI. Mileage and allowances are calculated automatically and exchange rates for receipts are taken into account on a daily basis.  We reconcile necessary personnel data, cost centres and/or projects (orders) and always check this information for completeness.

With us and our travel expense report tool MXP, every accountant can be sure that everything complies with the law and the accounting rules. And simulateously, the workload is reduced over all, e.g. when checking receipts.

Available in over 30 languagesTravel according to German law worldwideIn over 70 countries according to local laws reisen

„MXP is International in 3D“


Our inner nerd explains with enthusiasm

"The current legal provision states that an employee loses the entitlement to the per diem meal allowance after three months or it has to be taxed individually if a certain project location, i.e. a certain company, is visited regularly. This 3-month period starts the moment said visits take place on any three days in a week - and resets as soon as there was a break of four weeks."

Now we are aware that it is not as exciting for everyone as it is for the accounting specialists, who deal with such intricacies of travel expense reporting on a daily basis. And not everyone enjoys dealing with the details of additional allowance rules. We build a bridge to management and the travellers themselves, and that's where MXP comes in. Our system only queries the date, time and place in the course of recording the meals and allowances, recognises such regularities on the basis of the data entered - and in the case of the 3-month rule automatically sets the allowance to zero or transfer the individual taxable ammount to your payroll report.

How we assist management?

Business travel is part of everyday life for management today. On one hand, management is usually part of the frequent travellers and at the same time they have to monitor budgets and fulfil their duty of care as employers. We help management to monitor budgets and to make decisions in the approval process in a fact-based and uncomplicated manner.

A swiftly executed travel expense report often stands or falls at a certain point: the moment of your approval, provided that you have received all the information. With our travel expense report tool MXP, we now provide your business travellers with a modern tool to document expenses in digital and GoBD-compliant form as soon as they occur. Not only is it easy to record meals, allowances, mileages and receipts using our smartphone app, but you can also approve or reject travel requests and travel expense reports in the same app.

You receive the information on such requests via the usual channel (e-mail) and jump from there directly into the APP. Here you will receive all relevant information and visual notices in the event of violations of travel guidelines. This is how you work digitally without annoying queries.

MXP serves as a kind of template for all processes related to travel expense management and can be set up quickly and easily. While the changeover from planning to go-live can be realised in the short term, a successful implementation will make waves throughout the company for a long time to come. Believe us, your employees will thank you for it.

  • Transparent display of all accounting-relevant information
  • Simple overview of the expense release status for all parties involved
  • Digitalisation of processes
  • Fastest possible and simple approval by supervisors and controllers
  • Digitisation of your receipts via mobile APP
  • GOBD-compliant archiving of receipts

Our systems fully incorporate the local travel policies of over 75 countries, and we tailor MXP to your company's needs. We get to know your internal processes in advance and adapt the interfaces to optimise the process of travel expense reporting in your company. Thanks to special MXP modules, VAT, date or even supplier and location data is automatically recognised on the recorded receipts, entered, displayed to the controller for manual checking and, if necessary, marked for correction for the controller. In the background, calculations of per diems and mileages or meal reductions are carried out automatically, so that the accounting department formally checks the travel expense report at the end, corrects data records if necessary and then forwards it to you for approval - voilà, and the business trip is settled. There is hardly a faster and more convenient way to implement such an accounting and approval process, especially since thanks to our technology we significantly reduce the risk of manual errors, such as forgotten information or typing mistakes.


How we avoid extra-stress on business trips?

For many of us, business trips are now part of everyday work. Regardless of whether they are frequent travellers or employees who only travel once or twice a year for a seminar or an expo, for all of them it is a nuisance to collect receipts and to be reimbursed after the trip.

MXP keeps things tidy! A hospitality receipt here, a hotel bill there ... and something always gets lost. Thanks to the app included in the product scope, receipts are now digitally recorded and directly assigned. In addition, you as a user neither have to know the legal data storage periods and regulations, nor calculate the allowance or mileages in your head or on paper. Furthermore explaining the per diem for meals is not part of your job - what really counts is having an intuitive tool on your smartphone* that forwards all relevant information of the travel expense report directly to the accounting department for approval - MXP is the right tool for the job. For you, your manager and your colleagues in the back office, this saves an enormous amount of time and gives you the certainty that everything will be done correctly, from the travel expense report to the approval, and the money you spent will be back in your account more quickly.

Digitalisation of receipts (Scan-Process User perspective)


There is no longer any trace of the usual accounting stress, so you can instead devote yourself directly to your day-to-day business. As a user of the smartphone app associated with MXP you already documented all expenses during your business trip, such as hotel bills, expenses, train tickets or even mileage and taxi receipts. Each individual receipt was immediately scanned, assigned and the data was recorded, automatically checked for completeness, and forwarded to the accounting department. And at any time, you receive notification of the status of the travel expense report, regardless of whether it concerns per diems, mileage or receipts to be reimbursed. With our software, the process - from requesting to reimbursing your expenses - only takes a few days. To make your business trip as pleasant as possible, the mobile version of MXP offers you the following functions:

  • Mobile capture of receipts within a few seconds using a smartphone camera
  • Automated reading of receipt information (no more manual entry required)
  • Completely digital submission of expense reports
  • Digital approval of the expense reports
  • View the current status of your expense reports at any time

All processes are 100 per cent digital and transparent - exactly what you would expect from a modern working environment. A process that used to take four to eight weeks in analogue times can be reduced to a maximum of five days thanks to MXP. This period ultimately contains valuable time that you can use better than filling out handwritten applications. With your talents, you can concentrate on your everyday business - and leave the preparation of a perfect travel expense report to us or MXP. The topic of travel expense reporting is and remains our , so we are happy to take over this task for you.

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